What's QuikDraw?

The game show version of Arty Party!
Creative souls compete in fast paced doodling games.
Get ready to laugh and have fun!


Why play?

Destress and connect with creative souls. Making art activates the reward center in your brain, can lower stress and anxiety, and can make you feel fully present.



QuikDraw is an interactive game show. So YOU as an audience member get to choose what the artists draw and vote on the winner. Join us on Instagram Live!


My Alien Moomoo

Follow along as we draw the alien together.
Accessorize your alien with as many items as you can before the timer runs out!

Letter Doodler

Draw as many things as you can that start with the letter suggested by the audience.

Righty Lefty

Draw with your non-dominant hand.
Audience chooses from three options.

No Reference Nostalgia

Draw a famous cartoon character’s face from memory. Audience chooses from three options.


Want to be on the QuikDraw show?

Email us at hi@artypartytribe.com